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Buy Cryptocurrencies directly from your Bank!

According to "Ripple 2022: Crypto Trend for Business and Beyond" report, 65% of consumers would buy cryptocurrencies from their bank if they offered them. Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies are not easy concepts to understand. Knowledge in cryptography and finance is required to appreciate how safe blockchain is and how risky cryptocurrencies are.  As of 2021, we estimated global crypto ownership rates at an average of 3.9% of the world population. 82% of crypto owners have at least a bachelor's degree. Nonetheless, see how surprising is this number... "65% of the consumers would buy cryptocurrencies from their bank if they offered them". The man on the street is interested but does not trust cryptos.  The retail banks view cryptos as Financial Far West. Well, one project has even named itself Cryptocow ! But the man on the street would trust his bank enough to buy cryptos through them. This is how strong the Bank-Client relationship is.  So, who are these banks al

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